May 2024
Dear Friends in Christ,
The Waco Mission Board would like to share an update and our plan for next steps. First of all, we praise the Lord for all He has done in and through Christ Lutheran Church in Waco and we believe the Lord continues to call us to pursue mission in this city.
After much prayer and discernment, we believe that the best way forward to steward the resources for the sake of future mission includes selling the Christ Lutheran Church properties. This will allow us to repay all debts and provide significant reserve funds to support a future church plant in the city of Waco. We hope to list the properties for sale in August and then begin the search for the missionary leader and/or team whom God is calling to establish a new church in Waco.
We want to thank all who have contributed to Waco Mission in prayer, time, and finances. If you have any questions, please contact Bryce Formwalt: 512-996-2468 or bryce@lcmctexas.org. We look forward to seeing how God is going to lead us and we will continue to share updates as they occur.
In Faithful Service,
Kari Malinak, Chair
Tracy Hoffart, Vice Chair & Secretary
Griffin Teggeman, Treasurer